4 Best Responsive Web Design Practices

Websites that can easily adapt to all screen sizes and resolutions are known as responsive websites. They can be viewed on any screen, such as mobiles, tablets, and mostly on television. According to data collected in 2017, more than 50% of the global internet traffic originated from mobile devices. So if a website or an application is not optimized according to the requirements of the latest technological devices, it can lose traffic easily.

In addition, it is estimated that in the coming years, more than 80% of users will be using the internet through their mobile and other handy devices. Therefore, if you are planning to launch your website, make sure to optimize it properly to attract customers. 

In a recent study, it was found that companies and organizations should start launching mobile-friendly websites and applications to prevent the loss of traffic. 8 out of 10 websites are already facing huge losses as they are not displaying properly on the mobile screens. 

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While planning your online business or creating an online website design, you should try to make it highly optimized, engaging, and responsive to attract users. Last but not least the ranking of the websites on Google is done according to the responsiveness of the websites. So you should take care of all the requirements according to the windows servers

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The best responsive web design practices

Below are the 4 best responsive web design practices given. They are as follows: 

  • Hide the navigation menus 

When you are working with small screens hiding the navigation menus is one of the good ways of keeping the overall layout simple yet engaging. You can use an icon, text, or combination of both to indicate the location of the menu. For the web page, you can use a simple drop-down menu or the overlay method according to your choice. 

  • Provide large clickable areas 

When you are creating webpages for a small screen such as mobile, provide large clickable areas for the buttons so that the users can easily tap on them. You can use this technique for the big screens such as desktops and tablets also. Providing large clickable areas makes your website user-friendly. 

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  • Make a perfect balance between the font weight and sizes 

On your web page, the size ratio between the headers and paragraphs should be perfectly balanced so that the text is visible. According to research, it was found that most users are not impressed with the large headers on mobile devices. So if your website has one, try to resize it appropriately. 

  • Put important information on the top

You can put the most important information, such as contact numbers, addresses, and email, on the top of the websites. Most mobile users want all the information quickly, so you can keep the most important aspect of your website on the top of mobile to make it more user-friendly. 


You should opt for the best responsive web practices to get high Google rankings for your website. There are many ways to achieve good rankings on search engines, and one of them is taking good professional help. So never take a chance and follow all rules to make your website more friendly and marketable.

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