Give Security Threats A Punch With CCTV Monitoring Services

This may seem like a no-brainer since we’re all so familiar with surveillance cameras and video monitoring in general. However, when discussing various forms of video surveillance, we must deconstruct the term “CCTV”.

CCTV is an abbreviation for “closed circuit television”. Analogue video cameras transmit a signal to one or more monitors, and this was the basic form of video monitoring. Wirelessly connected to monitors via cables, these cameras capture and transmit video for digitally archiving and processing.

Two cables are needed to operate analogue cameras: one is for power, and the other is for networking. Most analogue cameras now have a digital video recorder (DVR) attached to them for storing footage that can be accessed remotely over the internet.

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The IP camera is a newer alternative to analogue CCTV. It transmits live video as a stream of data over the internet. In this way, remote video monitoring is much more convenient and usually of higher quality because the cameras don’t require any physical connection to the hardware in order to record and transmit footage.

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There are built-in functions like motion sensors in IP cameras that send notifications to monitoring stations. They have remote controls as well, making it much simpler to alter the camera’s angle or focus without having to physically move it. These cameras are linked by a network video recorder via an ethernet cable to monitoring stations (NVR). No conversion is required because the footage from IP cameras is already digital. NVRs merely store the footage and make it available for viewing when needed.

Thermal cameras are now part of many CCTV surveillance systems. Instead of using light, thermal cameras create images based on temperature, making them ideal for situations where a standard camera would fail, such as night monitoring or areas that are extremely dimly lit.

So, to summarize, even though video surveillance is still commonly referred to as “CCTV,” the technology has advanced tremendously since CCTV was first implemented.

List of Important Things to Consider Before Installing a CCTV Camera

However, installing a CCTV camera does not automatically make you safe. Here are a few things to think about before installing closed-circuit television cameras to protect your property:

#1) Decide how you’ll keep tabs on the machine.

A Digital Video Recorder (DVR) equipped with an IP Address will enable you to survey and record with ease. An Ethernet cable is used to transmit all data via the Ethernet witch if you choose Internet monitoring.

#2) Calculating the required number of Closed Circuit Television Cameras

Determine the number of cameras needed to ensure complete security based on your requirements and the size of the area you want to monitor.

#3) Setting up the surveillance cameras

If cameras are installed and visible, a trespasser may be warned. As a result, the majority of people prefer to use hidden cameras rather than ones that are visible. In addition to being easy to conceal, modern CCTV cameras can be protected from the elements by being installed in the wall crevices and clefts, which include protection from hail, high winds, and heavy rainfall.

#4) Placement of the DVR/NVR

Digital video recorders (DVRs) and network video recorders (NVR) must be protected at all costs. All of your money spent on CCTV cameras and stolen goods are gone if the trespassers get their hands on your digital video recorder (DVR) or network video recorder (NVR). You can save money on cabling and simplify your closed-circuit television system by installing your DVR or NVR in a central location.

#5) Choosing a backup power source for a CCTV camera

The continuous power supply would guarantee constant monitoring. As a result, to be on the safe side, always have a reliable power backup in case of a power outage.

#6) Checking the CCTV Cameras

To ensure that everything is working properly after the installation, make sure to give it a test run before moving on. In the event of any problems with your closed-circuit television system, the best thing to do is to fix them as soon as possible.

#7) Keep the CCTV cameras in good condition

Cleaning the cameras on a monthly basis is recommended as part of best practices to keep them free of dust and other contaminants.. It’s also a good idea to replace the cables in use on a regular basis to avoid any system failures at the worst possible time.

Who has access to the recorded video from a CCTV system?

While being monitored by a CCTV camera does not automatically make you a target for identity theft, it does count as personal data that must be protected under data protection legislation, which places limits on how businesses can use video surveillance.

It’s possible to obtain images of yourself from companies if your image has been captured on their video surveillance systems. They must comply with your request under the Data Protection Act within one calendar month, unless doing so compromises a criminal investigation or someone else’s identity is captured in the footage.

Businesses should only use CCTV for a specific purpose, such as detecting and preventing crime. Video monitoring should not be used to track employee productivity, for example. Businesses that use CCTV are also required to notify customers and employees that the cameras are recording them. This is typically done by posting signs in and around the building. CCTV monitoring must be reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office, and companies must restrict who has access to the footage.

What is the best way to set up a CCTV surveillance station?

A CCTV monitoring station can’t be set up in a way that works for everyone because it depends on the number of cameras, the number of operators, and the location being guarded. Overall recommendations and guidelines do exist, however, which make sure that monitoring stations are designed and managed consistently.

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Optimum control room procedures and suggestions:

  • Choose between hiring security guards or contractors, and decide if they will be on- and offsite.
  • Decide how many people will be on the team and what tasks they will perform.
  • Be thorough when planning your building’s layout and equipment.
  • Check to see if your detection system is appropriate for the job and compliant with the law.

Control rooms must be designed with security and operator well-being in mind when they are being built or renovated. In order to facilitate operator communication, a “open layout with clear lines of sight” is recommended.

A lot of control rooms are airtight, meaning they don’t have any openings to the outside world. It is recommended, however, that if the monitoring station does not have any windows, then the glass should be covered with a specialized film to prevent anyone from seeing what is going on inside the monitoring station.

Working conditions for monitoring staff should be conducive to their well-being, which means monitors should be set up at the correct height so that any overhead lighting does not obscure or strain their vision.

To Summarize

Setting up your own CCTV monitoring station can empty your pocket. Instead, consider outsourcing CCTV monitoring services. Saving thousands of pounds in potential theft, criminal damage, and fire losses can be accomplished with remote CCTV monitoring services. By doing this, you can rest easy knowing that your security systems are a sound financial decision.

Contact ExpertCallers and find out more about our market-leading remote monitoring and CCTV packages with the latest cloud software and great deals on CCTV hardware. 

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