Hiring a web design agency or a freelance web designer can only be classified once you know what the nature of work is; and what you are looking for. There are different opinions and perspectives attached to the debate, and it is significant to consider multiple aspects before deciding over it. Let’s not forget that the world has transformed into a global hub where you can connect to the best talent or agency across the other side of the world; in fact, it has become even easier with multiple online freelancing platforms in the world. However, there’re a few questions that must be answered before you resort to hiring an agency or a freelance designer.


There’s only one thing that cuts the clutter and directs you to hire a web design agency, and that’s your business scope and scale of work. If the scale of work is modest, there’s no need to look for an agency; hire an hourly resource and get the job done. There are hundreds and thousands of freelancing sites that can help you connect to the right resource from across the globe. However, when it comes to a vertical scope of business and the scale is big enough, it is critical to look for a well-equipped custom web design company in the USA that can handle your business stature, scope, reputation, brand positioning etc. 

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Also, with an agency, you get access to the pool of qualified design resources with the freedom to discuss your present and plans, how you want your product to appear in the market and how it should psychologically hit the audience. All this comprehensive approach is not possible with a single-handed freelance web designer. Also, if you look for work security and a long-term work relationship, then signing up with an agency is the right call. Agencies have set protocols to follow that document everything and keep you informed of all the things happening around your brand. Unlike freelance web designers, agencies have detailed project contracts with set deliverables, project breakdown, resource and budget allocation.  

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Many a time, you find a good agency in your city and town. It allows you to meet them in person and catch up with them if things get out of control. The best thing that comes along with hiring an agency is that they offer multiple professionals working around your product while allowing the creative juices to flow; helping you see through from a variety of aspects, ideas and perceptions. The best thing that I enjoy working with an agency is that they have vast asset libraries, paid visuals and tools that they incorporate within the design.

As much as we have discussed the positives of hiring a web design agency, here are some of the negatives that you must consider. Agencies allocate project managers to look after specific projects and there goes a long hierarchy that comes under it. So even if there’s a small change that you immediately want to execute may take a lot longer than any freelance design would ever take. Also, the cost of resource allocation over a project is much higher than that of any freelance web designer.  


Just like certain factors determine that you should opt for an agency, similarly, there are a few aspects that outline when it is suitable for you to hire a good freelance web designer. Now that we know hiring the best resource is not a problem, it may take you through a few steps. It may take you long to hire a proficient web designer than an agency. You also have to interview the potential designers one on one and go through the laborious tasks of fixing the hourly bid or the project rate, skimming through each portfolio, writing the project brief, follow-ups etc. However, you can’t overlook that agencies also have standard processes to follow like proposal approval, upfront payment, resource allocation that may ask you to wait for the process to happen.

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One of the main things is the language and cultural barrier. If the hired resource belongs to another country or a distant culture; then it is a long battle to win and requires a lot of patience. A language barrier can be a big problem. Another aspect that must be discussed is, freelance designers work according to their schedule and time zones, and they sometimes fail to accommodate frequent chats or video calls with you. Also, when it comes to payments, not every freelance designer is equipped with the latest online payment platforms so, this usually drags into an issue that the client has to solve personally. As discussed earlier above, unlike agencies, Freelance Web Designers may not have access to paid visual assets, sounds, visuals etc. which may hinder the quality you would expect. 

You must be thinking that with so many negatives, why should one hire a freelance web designer? There are many answers to this. One should opt for a freelance resource if the project scope is small to mid-level and does not include any corporate involvement in the process. Another important reason for hiring a freelance web designer is the budget constraint. If your budget is limited, don’t ever step into the agency contract. They have legal lawyers and systems to sue you for not paying for work, whereas a designer will happily accommodate your task in your desired budget.


Whether you opt for an agency or a freelance web designer, it is critical to look upon the following and seek clarity on it. Here you go;

  • Communication Tools
  • Project Deliverables
  • Payment Modes and Schedule
  • Contract Signing and Exit Plan
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Privacy and Work Ownership Policies

If you have read so far, you must be aware that both options have their pros and cons, so it’s simply a personal call. However, if you are looking for a small-scale web design services job with no extensive features or navigation, go with a freelance web designer and cut the hassle. On the contrary, if you have a big business and have big plans to put in action, you must hunt a professional web design agency to look after your brand. If you have any further queries, need any assistance or have anything to add to the above, leave it in the comment below.

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