How Technology Can Help You Grow Your Business

The term technology has many definitions that have changed throughout history, especially when discussing the evolution of technology within the world of business and how much it has eased the struggles of employers and employees alike. 

The most significant example of technology budding within the world of business was first seen during the industrial revolution, which was when electricity started spreading throughout populations and the use of the telephone became a reality for businesses to use. 

In many ways, technology becoming integrated into the worlds of businesses aided the economy, which is why the economy experienced a massive boom after having surged in the use of electricity in many central and busy cities around the world. 

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It wasn’t simply electricity and the telephone that made everything easier and more efficient, but rather the popularization of computers that accelerated business processes, especially those related to calculating, transacting, streamlining, and so much more. 

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All these revolutionary moments in business and information technology have led us to have so many options it has become hard to choose, thus why we will be giving you tech tips for your business and foreseeing job trends for the future.


Cybersecurity is not only important for private consumers, it actually is more crucial for businesses that hold all kinds of sensitive information, including that of customers. Not only cybersecurity is important though because physical security is also a large factor in maintaining a business. 

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Let’s start with security in the form of physical gadgets, like CCTVs and alarm systems. 

Depending on what business you run, things like a proper security system on the premises allow any type of illegal activity to stay away from your merchandise if you have any. 

As for cybersecurity, in our modern world, this step is crucial in many different aspects. 

Data encryption, forms of safely paying online, and data protection are all extremely important when running a business due to the sensitive nature of the information held, ranging from customers’ private information, private statistics, sensitive business information, and so on. 

These measures to safeguard from cybercriminals are user-friendly, making it easier for inexperienced or new business owners to keep themselves and their customers safe. 


Marketing and sales are critical for any business’s success. Ensuring good communication between these departments can shorten sales cycles, increase the value of deals and improve productivity. Sales enablement platforms allow you to close the feedback loop of your marketing and sales operations. These platforms manage content automation and deliver engaging, personalized, and fully compliant content to the appropriate audience through the best channels. These platforms are also available for specific industries. For example, if you sell packaged products, you should consider investing in Pitcher’s sales enablement for consumer goods. This will boost your competitive advantage and empower your commercial teams to succeed.

Additionally, creating a strong digital presence in the present day is extremely important for brands. This means having clear and simple websites for customers and impeccable social media where potential clients can get to know you, your team, and the products or services you sell.

Most new businesses nowadays fail due to the lack of a proper social presence. The way you market also depends on your target demographic, but it usually never hurts to expand your marketing system without needing to hire marketing interns.  

Having a website is not enough for marketing. Naturally, you hear about commercials, ads, and so on, but websites are the most useful form of marketing. 

Your website should be clear, clean-looking, optimized for all or most search engines, and mobile compatible, because the worst feeling is not being able to open a website on your mobile browser. 

Issues with your website already demotivate customers from using your product and seeking your company out. 

Social media presence is important to legitimate your business since companies with proper social media through which they can offer customer service and product advertising are more likely to gain a larger following and new customers alike. 


Using social media to talk with your followers isn’t the only way you should be using communication technology. Cloud PBX communication solutions empower teams to communicate effectively by unifying business phones, video conferencing, texting, and collaboration under a single phone number.

Communication technology has become reliable, efficient, and accessible. This has decreased the ability to escape work, but on the bright side, it has allowed us to work from almost anywhere in the world, making life a little more convenient.

There are so many ways communication can be interpreted, and it is not exclusive to employees. Which leads us to management. 


Management without technology would be impossible, especially for bigger or international corporations, since without things like email, video conferencing, organizational software, and Excel, being able to command projects would be near impossible. 

Some software that is extremely useful for these scenarios is Basecamp or Manymoon, both of which facilitate document sharing between or within teams as well as aid with convenient collaboration on projects. 

There is also an array of software for data reading and analysis, so you do not have to do the extra work to show business graphs, reports, and data for nothing. 

Shifts can also easily be organized with the right tools, without needing to clock in with a physical card every time you go to work, which also just makes employers’ jobs easier too. 

Lastly, optimizing management also allows smaller companies to compete with larger ones, on the basis of quality over quantity, meaning if your company works better, it will succeed better no matter the size (to an extent naturally).


The nice thing about the internet and using modern tech is the footprints you leave, that are permanent. This allows any wrongdoings and illegal activity to be tracked alike and allows companies to backtrack any mistakes or general data. 

Saving also includes proper cloud-encrypted data storing, which protects businesses from any cyberattacks or malware, since it is hard to access and is also retrievable for the companies themselves. 

Being aware of the possibility of data breaches is the first step to avoiding your company being wrecked, so saving and protecting information is crucial. 


Analytics is an area where technology can prove very helpful. It allows businesses to track, visualize, and easily create reports regarding sales, productivity, user engagement, and employee goals, among others.

An excellent example is KPI management software which helps you manage your metrics with dashboards, reports, and alerts. Additionally, this software makes it easy to set goals, track them over time, and visualize your teams’ performance. All this information can help make your business more productive and goal-oriented.

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