How to Find Jobs in Medical Coding and Billing

Gone is the time when the only appreciated and conventional job in the healthcare industry was a doctor or a nurse. The evolving requirement for organized, complete, and accurate documentation has created a pathway to jobs for other healthcare professionals, such as medical coders. Their role is indispensable in the market, given that discrepancy in medical reports and bills is something no organization can afford.

A 22% surge in medical coding jobs is predicted for 2022. This highlights the importance of the role in the healthcare industry. Medical coding positions require proficiencies in medical terminologies, customer billing, inpatient coding, CPT, HCPCS coding and more.

Appropriate training and experience can ensure higher credentials along your career path. With an 8% spike in job vacancies, landing a suitable job in medical coding and billing is attainable.

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Finding jobs in medical coding and billing

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The boom in the healthcare industry has facilitated job hunting in the medical coding and billing sector. Organizations that are currently seeking reliable medical coders include hospice homes, addiction treatment sectors, dental clinics, nursing homes, telehealth, walk-in clinics, urgent care centres, and outpatient care facilities.

While sending out resumes can be helpful, the chances of your resume sitting dormant in the administration office are high, considering current demands and busy schedules. This article provides effective ways to land a job in the medical coding and billing sector, whether remote or onsite.

Check all online postings

With the spike in remote work, online websites like LinkedIn have seen increased traffic. The best way to gain insight into available jobs is to search on keywords such as “medical coder” and “medical billing.” Websites typically provide job descriptions with requirements including experience level, education, certifications and more.

Expand your network

The most promising method of paving the way into the healthcare job market is through networking. Strong referrals increase the probability of acquiring a job within a work environment that matches your qualifications. Networking also builds contacts that can serve your needs in the future. Collaboration with peers and team leaders can open a realm of possibilities. Networking with people on social platforms is a reliable way of forming meaningful connections.

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Give credibility to cold emailing

The first step in your job search is to create a list of potential hospitals and clinics that may require your services. Then, send a cold email describing your interest in the job. The most effective cold email is concise but impressive. The best practice is to attach a resume with sample work. After a few days have passed, it is also a good idea to send a follow-up email to reiterate interest in the position.

Hone your interview skills

The most crucial step in securing the job is a successful interview. Preparation is essential.  Research possible questions and skim through sample interviews to gain perspective. The digital shift and pandemic protocols may lead to an online interview that requires high connectivity and a professional presentation.

Send a meaningful thank-you message

While meeting the requirements for technical skills is mandatory, delivering a professional work ethic is equally essential. After the interview, send a thank-you message to express gratitude and reinforce interest in the job opportunity. Highlight key points of the interview and your qualifications for the role. This leaves a good impression and increases the probability of securing the job.


Medical coding has long served as a backbone to the healthcare revenue cycle. There is always a need for qualified and talented people who can provide medical coding or billing services with accuracy and who will add value to the healthcare organization. Since more and more healthcare practices are open to hiring remote employees, finding a job even far away from the employee’s location cannot be a problem anymore. This opens up possibilities for healthcare organizations to fill their positions with qualified medical coders who can efficiently do their job remotely. With the right qualifications, skills, and attitude, finding a job in medical coding or billing should not be an issue.

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