Some of the Best Amenities in Roma Termini

The world is full of artistic cities and culture. However, Rome is one of the oldest and most renowned of these cities. Boasting centuries of world recognized artists, innovators, and creators. Rome was once a metropolis, and is still home to some of the most recognizable architecture and art in documented history. As such, it makes plenty of sense that it would be a major tourist destination that brings people in from all over the world. 

One of the spectacular things about traveling in Rome is that there is an immense amount to see and take in. Roma Termini in and of itself is home to some gorgeous treasures. It can be exhausting, though, to drag luggage or suitcases through the streets during a day-trip, or in between hotel stays. Thankfully, daily luggage storage in Roma Termini makes it easy to store your luggage for as long as you need. 

Termini Art Gallery

Art is one of the first things that people connote with Rome. This makes a lot of sense seeing it’s produced some of history’s most decorated and recognized artistic figures. As such, the Termini art gallery makes a wonderful stop for locals and visitors alike. The art on display is representative of the forefathers, while featuring modern artists as well. 

Not only will the Termini art gallery give you your art fix, it’s also a convenient walk from the Termini station, giving you terrifically easy access if you’re just passing through for a day-trip or want to spend an afternoon. 

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The Colosseum

The largest ancient amphitheatre to ever be built and still the largest standing amphitheatre in the entire world, the colosseum in Rome is truly a sight to behold. The history of this staple piece of architecture jumps off its walls and into your soul, transporting you back to a much simpler time. 

Even still, the sheer size of the colosseum is a testament to humanity’s ability to innovate. If you pass through Rome, there is absolutely no reason not to see the colosseum. If you have the time, it’s even a great experience to take a tour of the inside. That’s where you’ll truly gain an appreciation for the history this piece represents. Besides, with convenient luggage storage options, this could even be a sight to see if you’re just visiting for the day. 

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Trevi Fountain

The Trevi fountain is a gorgeous piece of architecture that is celebrated world wide. It’s an 18th century fountain that has stood the test of time and is as captivating today as ever before. The fountain was designed by famous architect Nicola Salvi. It stands as the largest baroque fountain in the city, and remains one of the most famous fountains in the entire world. 

The exceptional attention to detail and magnificent size make this truly an awe-inspiring piece of art. There are innumerous ways to enjoy a day at the fountain, whether you want to people watch, work on your poetry, or perhaps your drawing. Or, maybe you just want to sit and enjoy a coffee. No matter your decision, the fountain is sure to offer inspiration. 

Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

This is one of only seven churches of its kind to be built in the entire world. If that isn’t enough to make your jaw drop, I don’t know what will be. This church was built in 432 AD and is home to the burial site of the great architect, Bernini. This church is absolutely gorgeous and showcases a completely different era than the one we’re in today. Not only is this church only one of seven. It is also the largest catholic marian church in Rome. 

This once again showcases the greatness of the city through its architecture and acts as a testament to the brilliance and prosperity this city once held. While it may not be the bustling and buzzing metropolis that it once was, Rome is still home to some of the most magnificent architecture, art, and design that the world has ever seen. Any lover of art, romance, and days of old would find themselves a little slice of heaven on a visit to Rome.

Traveling Conveniently Through Rome

Travel as an industry is slowly making a comeback after the two detrimental years of the COVID-19 pandemic. While society isn’t totally out of the water just yet in that regard, things have simmered down enough to make international travel feasible once again. This is a major development for areas that rely on their tourist industry economically. However, traveling from place to place, and making day-trips especially, can become exhausting when you have to drag luggage around with you everywhere you go. 

There’s a simple solution though with daily luggage storage options. So have no fear in booking your trips and your day-trips, too. You won’t have to get sweaty pulling your luggage around behind you, and instead you can focus on enjoying what’s in front of you. 

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