Top 9 Recruiting Strategies for 2022

The workforce and talent landscape is changing quickly, and the future of recruiting will ensure you’re constantly adapting. Job boards are no longer immersive or engaging; social media recruiting has changed, and so has transparency.

1) Hiring Through Employee Referrals

An employee referral is a structured program that companies and organizations use to find talented people by asking their current employees to recommend candidates from their existing networks.

Employee referrals have always been a key source of talent for small businesses because word-of-mouth recommendations are always powerful; however, now it’s becoming even more so due to changing demographics and candidate preferences.

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Here are some strategies you can use to increase your number of hires from employee referrals

  • Make it as easy as possible to refer someone.
  • Make referral bonuses worth doing.
  • Minimize the cost of hiring a bad hire by having a good process for firing them quickly and unquestionably.
  • Keep referral bonuses going after an employee leaves, but cap the number of total referrals from an employee before the reward is stopped.
  • Limit referrals to employees that have worked there for at least six months with no issues or performance problems.
  • Give referrals bonuses as you turn five hires a year into six.
  • Give referrals every month instead of every six months.
  • Be especially generous if your company is having trouble hiring in that field.
  • Have a scorecard for employee referrals, and reward the top performers for bringing in great people.

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You can use applicant tracking systems to manage the hiring process.

2) Spotlight Best Current Employees

Employee spotlights are a terrific way to show appreciation for your staff while establishing a positive business culture and assisting with retention. In the middle of the Great Resignation, all three of these things are more crucial than ever. Furthermore, these films are excellent marketing tools.

According to global studies, 79 percent of employees who leave work do so due to a lack of appreciation.

Brands must provide marketing material that focuses on authenticity and connection rather than promotion. With highlight videos, you can accomplish this rather well. This type of communication has several advantages.

By utilizing employee spotlight videos, companies can show the benefits of working at their company. And by creating a video that tells your company’s story, it will be easier to recruit new employees.

If you want your company to stand out from the competition, create a film that shows all the awesome things about your place of work.

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3) Improve Candidate Experience

One way to do that is by giving candidates better feedback. If you don’t provide constructive feedback, candidates will never know if they made it through an interview, so they can’t improve their skills—but neither can you because you never hear back from them.

One way to address these issues is by using Glassdoor’s ratings to get honest and timely feedback on your company culture and interview process.

When a candidate reaches out with concerns or comments on how they were treated during an interview, handle it professionally. Keep in mind that candidates are often interviewing multiple companies at once; being rude or dismissive could cost you a future employee—and potential referrals. Therefore, always make sure you provide a positive candidate experience.

4) Revamp Job Ads with Video and Data-Driven Headlines

Data shows that job seekers respond better to video-based content, so it’s important to incorporate videos in your job ads. In addition, by using data-driven headlines, you can use data and research to help attract highly qualified candidates.

For example, if you look at some of LinkedIn’s recent Career trends (and other niche sources), you can find out what skills are in demand now. Using that information, create new resumes and behavioral questions with those skills or phrases included.

Also, experiment with placing your company logo at or near the top of ad copy, so those who aren’t interested in reading through all of your ad copy still get a chance to see it. Your candidate pool will widen as a result!

5) Conduct Blind Auditions for Sales Positions

Companies can ask applicants to present their sales pitches without knowing who they are. This process is called blind auditions and is used in music and acting.

Conducting interviews using blind auditions allows you to test your interviewees on how well they can use their strengths instead of just relying on perceived ability because of their name or brand recognition.

It’s also important to note that there’s no guaranteed correlation between famous performers and stellar employees; famous actors and singers aren’t necessarily any better at their jobs than people you’ve never heard of before.

Blind auditions allow you to have a more open mind when making hiring decisions based on merit, not recognition. It allows you to judge applicants by what they say and not whom they know.

6) A/B Test Candidates Online Before Interviews

You might think of an interview as a time to better get to know your prospective employees, but you should also consider it an opportunity to assess their skills.

If you’ve made it through vetting and they look promising, give them a few tests to complete before their first in-person meeting with you or one of your team members. You’ll be able to quickly determine whether they have what it takes or if they’re not quite there yet.

It’s a win-win: You don’t spend extra time going through interviews that are bound to fail, and candidates get more visibility about how well they could perform before spending extra time with your company.

The efficiency doesn’t stop there—test scores can also help streamline onboarding processes once someone is hired.

7) Streamline Pre-screening Processes

When it comes to pre-screening applicants, onboarding new employees is a logistical and legal quagmire. However, not all questions answered during the interview influence their future work performance.

Most employees want to examine their businesses’ pre-screening processes, so savvy recruiters will take note and simplify appropriately.

Use a recruitment agency software or an Applicant Tracking System to simplify your hiring process.

This will not only save your company time and money, but it will also, in many cases, increase employee engagement.

Employee spotlights are a terrific way to show appreciation for your staff while establishing a positive business culture and assisting with retention.

8) Better Brand Recognition Among Passive Candidates

One way to improve the hiring process is to increase brand recognition among passive candidates. In the past, many people believed that recruiters were pushy and didn’t care about their needs.

However, in recent years, there have been investments made in developing a positive brand image. For example, some companies are using social media to reach out to potential candidates with information about the company and job openings.

They also use LinkedIn career-focused groups to post updates about what’s going on at their organizations.

The best way to recruit quality, passive candidates is to do so by building a strong brand through social media and other communications channels.

9) Expand Global Reach with Direct Applications on Career Sites

With talent increasingly becoming a global competition, it’s imperative that you hire from across borders.

Today, over 80% of recruiters are using career sites to source new hires, and foreign job postings have increased 30% each year over the past three years.

This means that now is a great time to start your own international job posting campaign as, with some careful research, it’s possible to source high-quality candidates without breaking your budget.

Check out these guidelines on how to hire internationally online to ensure your company can attract top talent worldwide.

It’s not enough to just hire new employees—you need to train them, onboard them, get them up to speed, and keep them engaged as quickly as possible. Delays in onboarding and training can lead to churn or disengagement, which is far more costly than hiring new people.

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