Top Ways To Improve English Vocabulary

Words are the building blocks of a language and can be used to predict a person’s education, occupation, and social status. You must also continue to improve your vocabulary when learning a language. Many students have difficulty expanding their vocabulary because new words are constantly coming into one ear.

It is not that we struggle to understand the vocabulary we see. We struggle to remember what we see, or even worse, to remember how to use it frequently enough to be back where we started.

In this detailed article we are going to discuss how to improve English vocabulary and remember new words faster, more effectively, and for a lifetime.

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Develop A Reading Habit

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It is easier to build vocabulary when words are used in context. It can be much more beneficial to see words in context, such as in a novel or newspaper article than they appear on vocabulary lists. You not only get exposure to unfamiliar words, but you also learn how they are used. You can also make a list of spelling websites and read from it time-to-time.

Use The Dictionary or Thesaurus

If used correctly, online dictionaries or thesauruses can be helpful. You can use them to help you remember synonyms that are actually better words for what you’re writing. You can also learn about synonyms, root words and sight words by looking at a complete dictionary definition.

Play Word Games

Scrabble or Boggle are classic games that can be used to help expand your English vocabulary. Crossword puzzles are also a great way to expand your vocabulary. You can be more efficient if you take notes during the word game rounds. You can keep a list of all the words you have learned during the game and refer to it from time-to-time.

Learn Roots

Learn the roots of words. The root of most English words is a common root, prefix and suffix. These roots are usually found in Latin or Greek languages. You’ll be able to recognize other words that share the same root once you have learned it. For example, the Latin root word -duc- means to lead or make. This is what you would see in produce and deduce.

Create Practical Vocabulary

You should learn words that are important to you and the task at hand. This is a good example. You can learn trade language, or words that you use in your hobby or profession. Instead of relying on jargon or clichés to describe what you are writing, find clearer words that can be used to communicate your thoughts to others.

Every Day, Learn New Words

You can improve your vocabulary quickly by learning at least one new word each day. You can do this in many ways, including an email list or a Word of the Day Calendar. Or simply by picking a word from the dictionary or thesaurus.

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Find Words You Don’t Know

What number of times have you encountered words you didn’t know as you read them? Do not ignore them. Take the time to research them. If you don’t have time, write them down so that you can look them up later.

Keep A Journal

Journaling will not only help you develop your writing style but also improve your vocabulary. Use new words that you have learned recently in a journal entry for the day, or the week.

Identify Empty Words

Your speech is likely familiar with empty words (such as “uh”, “um”), but it’s possible that your writing contains empty words. You can replace these words with something more suitable by looking for empty words in your writing. This principle also applies to sentences and phrases. Don’t use six or seven words to communicate something you don’t think is important. Instead, use one sentence with carefully chosen words.

Use Mnemonics

A mnemonic device helps you remember the meanings of words and their proper uses. Think of obsequiousness, which is “attempting to win favor with influential people by flattery”. Now break that word down into its components. “Obse” sounds like “obsessed,” and “qui” sounds like “yes” in French. “Us” is what the big word obsequious means.

Use New Words in Conversation.

You can have a large vocabulary and not know how to use them. You have to use your own dictionary. Make it a habit to use the word you find in your readings in conversation. You can learn the art of word choice by trying out low-stakes situations. With a bit of trial, error and practice, you will find the right word for the context.

Do Word Puzzles

Word puzzles in magazines and newspapers are a great way to pass the time. They also help you improve your vocabulary. Crossword puzzles can be a challenging way to get your brain thinking. You’ll need to search your mind for words that you don’t know, which can help you organize your vocabulary and make it easier to use in your writing.

Try Word Board Games

Many word games are available on the market that can help improve vocabulary and language skills, without being boring. You may have played some of these games as a child. Now it is time to get back to work.

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