Valet Technology: What It Is and Why It’s Importants

Most people don’t realize that technology can make valet parking even more efficient when it comes to business. Many people wonder how valet parking and technology go together at all, but in reality, they can go together quite nicely. Like any business, valet parking is getting more sophisticated all the time, and one of the newest and best ways valet tech can help a valet parking business thrive is through innovative software.

Does Software Help That Much?

Like many other businesses, valet parking is very customer service-oriented, so anything you can do to bring even better service to your customers is a worthwhile effort. There are numerous software programs designed specifically for the valet parking business, and they all include apps that you can run on all types of smartphones, including both Android and iOS systems. But perhaps the best perk to using this type of software is that it can be customized to meet individuals’ needs.

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Whether your valet parking business is small or large, old or brand new, the right software can help it grow and get bigger year after year. Even though the human touch is crucial to a service-oriented business such as valet parking, these software programs offer many features to provide the ultimate experience to your customers and make them feel appreciated and special. Valet tech might sound impersonal, but it is anything but. Below are a few of the best features of this type of software.

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Completely Ticketless Service

One of the newest ways to enhance the experience for your customers is to offer a completely ticketless service. In the past, customers had to search their purses and pockets to find the valet ticket, but no longer. Today’s valet customers can provide their smartphone number to the valet employee and receive a claim check number via text message. This helps eliminate certain problems, such as internal theft and even ticket skimming.

But there is another advantage to going ticketless – it is a much better process for the environment. Eliminating paper that often ends up in the landfills is a huge plus when you’re working your valet business. The team uses reusable key tags that are encoded with chips and even hanger tags that can track vehicles and identify the keys that go with them. It is a fast, simple, and eco-friendly process that benefits everyone.

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Text for Car Technology

Let’s face it, texting is always more productive than making a phone call. With the right software package, you can send your customers a text at various times that lets them know the status of the vehicle delivery process. The customer can send a text to the valet podium when they are close to leaving the restaurant or other facility, so the valet representative can text back and let the customers know exactly when their vehicle is ready.

Besides saving time, this also prevents the valet phone from becoming clogged with requests and updates. Instead, valet employees can concentrate on other parts of their job, and if customers are visiting someone in the hospital, the hospital switchboard won’t be so busy that the facility isn’t able to take care of its patients as it should. All the way around, allowing customers to send and receive digital messages saves both time and money.

The Use of Express Stickers and VIP Cards

All businesses look for ways to reward regular customers, and the valet business is no different. With stickers or decals on the front of the customers’ cars, valet staff can immediately discover certain information on the customers and any preferences they might have when it comes to things such as where they prefer that the car is parked. Valet employees can scan VIP cards and stickers/decals, keeping track of customers’ visits and rewarding them accordingly.

So, not only does the customer receive a ticketless experience, but it provides valet employees with easy ways to provide better service to their customers. They can even offer a way for regular customers to get discounted parking rates or receive complimentary valet parking in some instances, which is a huge advantage for the customer, especially in higher-priced metro markets. This service offers easy ways to help you show your customers just how important they are.

The Ability to Pay by Phone

Few people carry cash with them anymore, so giving your customers a fast and easy way to pay for their valet services is always a smart idea. Valet tech perks such as this sometimes don’t even require the download of an app; the customer can pay simply by clicking on “pay” once they receive the text message that you send them. In addition, they can pay when it’s convenient to them, and they don’t have to be tech-savvy to do so.

Even better, this service tends to come with extra security measures to keep the customer’s debit or credit card information safe and secure. Often, this information is not saved but instead discarded as soon as the transaction takes place. This makes the customer feel better knowing that any private and sensitive information will never be on file anywhere within the valet company. In these days of seemingly constant breaches of security, this can help any customer feel at ease doing business with you.


Valet companies are like other service-oriented businesses in many ways. Today’s technology allows for a smoother process when a customer drops off or picks up a vehicle. It is easier for both the customer and the valet company. It also eliminates paperwork and allows for a less time-consuming process all the way around. Technology that centers on valet companies offers personalized services that include numerous features, so businesses can utilize the services they need the most while ignoring the ones they feel they don’t need.

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