Why are AI Chatbots the Future of Contact Centers?

Today there is a buzz about the implementation and use of Conversational AI in contact centers and markets. And there is no wonder that the utilization of advanced technology lets contact centers match and live up to the customers’ expectations, fast query resolution, and personalized solutions. In a short span of time due to the upsurge of coronavirus, contact centers have seen a lot of change starting from contact center agents answering the phone calls, to a multitude of different customer contact channels, such as web calls, live chat, and video chat, omnichannel customer support has become the new norm.

As technology is becoming an increasingly dominant feature in the customer support world, contact centers are ready to go through much more changes in the next few years. Contact centers have always been a fruitful landscape for innovation and technology to grow. From tech-empowered automated audio responses to customized interactive software solutions, contact centers have kept on continuing and embracing innovation to smoothen customer outreach operations, making customer experience friendlier, globally. With increased customer queries and call volumes day by day, AI’s role in helping, assisting, and navigating contact center agents towards the resolution of customers’ queries is acquiring a huge footing. 

Many companies continue using traditional chatbots and voice bots as “self-service” platforms, while due to the advanced technology, Conversational AI has been recently introduced that allows these virtual assistants to do a lot more.

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Both chatbots and AI-based voice bots can be easily “trained and modified” for understanding the context of a conversation and recognizing human emotions and intonations used by the customer. Information based on the customer data can be used to understand the situation better and resolve the queries. For example, AI chatbots can help agents and contact centers to understand the customer’s intent, their emotions based on a set of prefixed keywords and trigger specific actions like proposing ideas to the customers. 

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Contact centers empowered with AI-enabled bot technologies leverage smart call routing and offer quick turn-around time for addressing and resolving customer queries. In addition, AI and tech high analytics are making human involvement unnecessary for determining the suitable contact center agents to be assigned to a particular customer.

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The Extraordinary Impact of AI chatbots on the Future of Contact Centers

Text-based chatting and interactions have become an extremely popular method of communication both in everyday lives and at workplaces. The use of chatbots has increased over the years and has various sets of advantages for both client and customer support departments and businesses to bloom. In addition to the list of advantages, AI-powered conversational chatbots are the new way to succeed and lead in the market.

  • Chatbots never sleep
  • Chatbot slash waiting time
  • Chatbots are multilingual


  1. Lower Operational Costs:

Chatbots are continuously evolving and getting smarter. They assist agents to resolve customers’ queries whether they are simpler or repetitive at a much faster pace, which further helps to reduce the inbound voice calls to the contact center, improves overall business efficiency, and lowers operational cost. A report by Juniper Research suggests that the adoption of AI-Chatbots across various sectors such as retail, banking, and healthcare will realize business cost savings of $11 billion annually by 2023.

AI-based Chatbots not only replace voice calls but also reduce social media and email inquiries. It results in lowering the cost per query as in every query where the customer interacts with a chatbot before trying an agent.

  • Reduce average call duration
  • Reduce wage costs
  1. Reduced Labor Expenses:

Businesses that use AI-based chatbots as the first line of interaction and communication in their customer service have acknowledged a significant amount of labor cost savings. While a human agent can only interact and attend to three consumers at a time, chatbots can handle and interact with an unlimited number of customers at once. This implies that chatbots can be utilized for addressing as many client problems as possible, with only the complex inquiries being sent to a human agent.

  1. Cheaper 24/7 Availability:

As the name suggests, Ai-based chatbots stay live and are available round the clock. Nowadays, customers expect businesses to deliver customer service 24/7, no matter what the region is and what are the circumstances on the other hand. To fulfill this expectation of customers, businesses need to bear extra expenses as human agents may need to work overtime or in late-night shifts. However, with chatbots availability 24/7 and 365 days a year, companies can provide support to the customers whenever they need it, and that too at off-peak hours and on weekends.

  1. Continuous Savings in the Future: 

Chatbots are tech-savvy and smart enough to learn with their past interactions and customer experiences. This, further help to improve the overall customer experience with time and leads to fewer customers calling as first ‘touch’ resolution, reduces voice traffic, and enhances the savings over time. Many contact center solution providers with business experience deploy chatbots and omnichannel services and help their customers get ahead of competitors.

Chatbots enables to rapidly adapt the business needs

  • Manage specific and on-time marketing campaigns (e.g., Black Friday, New year, Christmas, etc.)
  • Follow the growth and decline of business
  • Adapt to any kind of unforeseen circumstances

Author Bio:

Shruti Bansal is a tech enthusiast who wears multiple hats for Ameyo’s marketing to manage content, social media, and inbound marketing. She is passionate about businesses technologies that are reshaping the customer experience.

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