Revamp Your Fitness Portfolio With These 5 Certifications

If you’re a fitness professional, you know that the field is constantly changing. Whether you’re focused on personal training or group instruction, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the newest information and latest trends. 

Certifications are the best way to do this. Potential employers and individual clients will want to know what areas you’re certified in. 

Not merely selling points for your resume, certifications are a way to liven up your day-to-day. Organizations like the American Sports & Fitness Association (ASFA) offer a wide range of certifications to revitalize your practice, including:

  • Group Fitness & Bootcamp Instructor Certification

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Group fitness classes have been popular for decades. This is not only because not everyone can afford a personal trainer, but also because fun social interaction is a great way to reinforce fitness habits. A certification in group fitness from ASFA will give you the tools to design a wide array of fun and effective group workouts, including in the very trendy bootcamp style.

  • Dance Fitness & Hip-Hop Aerobics Certification

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If you love hitting the club after work, bring that joy into the daylight with dance fitness! Dance is a great way to improve not just cardiovascular health, but strength and flexibility, too. It’s also a great mental workout that improves your mind-body connection. Everyone from professional athletes to senior citizens can gain the benefits of improved agility through dance training. ASFA certification in dance fitness will help you choreograph routines for clients with varying abilities and backgrounds. 

  • Functional Fitness Training Certification

Functional fitness is great for so many different kinds of clients! Functional fitness is all about the activities we do everyday, and sometimes about the activities we used to do everyday before most of us took to sitting at a desk most of our lives. 

If you work with older folks, you can help them maintain and expand their everyday capacity for active, independent living. Parents can better keep up with their kids. Young people can get ready for wild adventures. And everyone can enjoy showing off the practical effects of their hard work, no humblebrag required!

An ASFA certification in functional fitness can be put to use in all kinds of settings, making this a particular asset to trainers looking to build an eclectic business portfolio.

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  • Tactical Fitness Instructor Certification

If your clients are looking to become heroes–super or everyday ones–tactical fitness provides uniquely targeted instruction. Developed out of real military and first-responder training programs, tactical fitness prepares people to effectively respond in life-and-death situations.

 Even if your clients never find themselves in such a situation, tactical training will give them a breadth of physical and mental skills to tackle whatever life throws at them, and the confidence to walk toward those challenges.

  • Master Personal Trainer Certification

Advanced certifications are a great way to stand out from the crowd. Expand your knowledge and skills, then expand your client base!

Give your career a boost with ASFA

Variety is the spice of life, and earning ASFA certifications in new areas will expand your professional options. Don’t let your skills stagnate, invest in your fitness portfolio today!

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