Teenagers Study Abroad: How Does It Work And What Are the Benefits?

Studying abroad is, without a doubt, one of the greatest desires of those who are young and dream of the opportunity to live abroad, meet new people, learn about different cultures and become fluent in another language.

However, it is natural that doubts and uncertainties arise about the types of programs that can be carried out during this period, how long they last, what to consider when choosing a study destination and what are the benefits of being an exchange student.

With that in mind, we prepared a special post to answer the main questions on the subject and, in addition, to explain how studying abroad works when you are a teenager. Follow up!

What are the types of study and their duration?

The first question is precisely about how overseas study works during adolescence. So, from now on, know that you have three alternatives: general English, preparatory and high school. Below, you will understand more about each of them!

General english

In General English, you study for a certain period in an English-speaking country and improve your mastery of it, especially if your knowledge is basic or intermediate.

The duration of this modality will depend on how long you intend to stay abroad and the number of classes you will have per week, as there are options from one to 52 weeks of course.


Preparatory is also an English course. Its difference from the first program is that it is aimed at those who already have an advanced command of the language and seek to pass one or more proficiency exams, such as IELTS or Cambridge.

In this way, you are already taking the first step to attend a university overseas – since educational institutions require international students to have a certificate for one of these exams.

Regarding the duration of this modality, it is important to know that it varies a lot, being able to have a minimum of two weeks (for IELTS) or eight weeks (for Cambridge), for example.

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High school

Finally, there is the possibility of attending high school, which is nothing more than high school, in a public or private school in another country for three months, a semester, a full year or until completing it there.

Thus, you have the chance to experience high school in a different way and enjoy a curriculum that includes not only traditional subjects, but dozens of extracurricular activities (theater, photography, surfing, music, etc.).

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What to look for when choosing the study program?

To decide which program is right for you, it is necessary to analyze the type of experience you want to have – that is, focused on learning English, obtaining the certificate to start your academic life overseas or having a school experience.

In addition, it is essential to reflect on whether you will be doing the exchange during the school term at your school, on vacation or after finishing high school, since there are numerous possibilities of duration according to each course and it is recommended that they do not delay your formation.

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What to consider when choosing your destination?

We have already talked about what to consider when choosing the type of exchange. However, it is also essential to address what to analyze when deciding the destination where you will study. This is because the country you choose will play an extremely important role in your experience, in your quality of life abroad and in the type of traditions and culture you will live with.

Quite a lot, isn’t it? To facilitate this comparison exercise, we have separated some aspects that will certainly help you choose the best place:

  • local climate and nature conservation;
  • cultural, entertainment and recreation options;
  • stability of the nation’s economy;
  • levels of security, public health and education.

What are the benefits of exchange in adolescence?

Finally, we can’t help but talk about the benefits of studying abroad when you’re a teenager, right? After all, this experience is not just about exploring another country and living a reality with different cultures and customs – which, in itself, is fascinating.

On the contrary, it is an opportunity that opens the door to your professional future and, at the same time, transforms you as a person – as it broadens your view of the world and your way of relating to others. To talk more about it, we have gathered some of the main benefits. Follow:

master another language

By living in another country, it is possible to have a much greater immersion in the language. After all, it is possible to choose full-time classes, socialize with natives and even stay with a local family (called homestay). All of this contributes to achieving fluency in the language and being much more confident when speaking and expressing yourself.

Have a unique curriculum

You boost (and a lot) your resume when doing an exchange. The job market is increasingly looking for professionals who are not only bilingual and with continuous training, but mainly with a global profile.

This is because the ability to communicate and the flexibility to deal with people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds are increasingly crucial for maintaining and winning new projects, businesses and partnerships.

Become more independent

By studying abroad, you mature and become much more independent. The reason? Simple: you have to adapt to a new reality, create habits, assume different responsibilities and, literally, get by in situations you wouldn’t face in Brazil – precisely because you’re in the role of an exchange student.

Gain more self-confidence

With independence comes greater self-confidence, as you realize that, even far from family, friends and your country of origin – that is, your comfort zone – it is possible, yes, to face new challenges and solve problems without need constant help or intermediary from other people.

Learn to be more tolerant of differences

Another great benefit is that you become more tolerant of differences – and you can even imagine why, right? This is because you live daily with people of different nationalities, customs, religions, ethnicities, points of view and the like, and this allows you to both learn about the different realities in the world and respect all this diversity (and the peculiarities of each people).

Enlarge the circle of friends

And by becoming more tolerant, respectful of others and open to interacting and getting to know the people with whom you share the school environment or the English course, you increase your circle of friends.

With that, it makes your exchange more fruitful, fun and full of positive experiences, in addition, of course, to making connections with people who, in the future, can provide opportunities for you to meet or even work in other nations.

And then, did you clear up your doubts about exchange in adolescence? Well, now it’s time to decide which program is right for you and enjoy a unique experience that will surely change your life!

Take the opportunity and find an education agency to learn more about how to make your dream of studying abroad a reality!

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