Most Significant Education Studies of 2021 

This year was simply a test of grit and perseverance for both students as well as teachers. And this is the very year, in which the education system as a whole, like a river, flowed towards newer dimensions. All the bounds of pursuing any form of education are slowly being shattered in a new era of modernised education and all types of courses are becoming easily conceivable. For instance, according to Preply’s language report 2021, learning foreign languages, especially Spanish, was at an all-time high in 2021. 

This shows that 2021 has been a beneficial year for financially lower-class students, as opting for a full-fledged conventional course on their chosen subject would have cost much higher. Anyway, let us study about the most significant education studies of 2021. 

Expert Teachers Had to Bring Changes in Their Teaching Techniques

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New research shows that teachers have done an exquisitely good job in turning on their experience button, and changing the virtual classroom system to the online classroom procedure. They have found ways and methods on how to make these classes more proactive and engaging for students. At the start of it all, the teacher-student conversation was not up to the mark all over the world. But slowly, the teachers and students have figured out the hack of it. The predictions of misconduct and misbehaviour in virtual classrooms are also getting scarcer. 

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Learners, Especially Kids, Showed More Interest in Vocabulary

According to current studies, kids who are learning a new language are doing better in memorising new vocabulary than before. 

There are various new websites, courses, apps newly made up in this span of a year, that focus on teaching vocabulary alone. The way things are taught is also very innovative and helps kids to learn faster. Kids are taught to follow the meanings of a word with body and hand gestures to learn a new word. For example, the German word “flugzeug” which translates to “aeroplane” is taught by spreading the arms as if to fly high. 

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Better Learning Is a Fruit from Generating Better Questions 

It is an obvious trend that when someone asks better questions they show their zeal towards learning and they end up learning better. And also, good teachers love to be asked questions as well. 

It was estimated at first that this essential discourse of students, who want to know more, asking questions to teachers and teachers answering them will not be flawlessly possible in the new educational trends. But, once students and teachers incorporate the habit of the newer forms of education in them, we notice the virtues of physical classrooms in the virtual systems as well. 

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The Prominent Gender Gaps between Literacy and Numeracy

Gaps are getting broader in literacy and numeracy along the gender lines. It has been observed that girls are outperforming boys in literacy and boys are outperforming girls in numeracy. 

The gender-based gap when it comes to literacy is highest during the years of teenage. Finding also states that girls are at their best at ages 9 and 10, which grows wider up to ages 15 to 16. But eventually, when they reach the ages of 25 to 26, the acquired advantage almost becomes nil. 

Extents to Which Physical Education Contributes to the Outburst of COVID-19

There is various evidence found, especially in the US states of Washington and Michigan which showcases the ways through which physical schooling contributed to the spread of the virus. 

However, surprisingly studies concluded that in-person schooling is not one of the primary causes of spreading the virus. Nonetheless, when it comes to remote learning the chances of it become close to nil. But, it is evident that school provides an educational ambience to the students which is lacking in the present system. 

The Preferable Chances of School Reopenings

2021 has been a year full of rain and sunshine, to put it the best. Once, chances of school re-openings were created as the virus seemed to have lost its ferociousness. But then again, we were struck by large waves of mass spreading which in turn, got the institutions closed again. 

Due to this, we see that students are enrolling out of school and choosing some other ways of education. Studies by UNICEF say that schools for nearly 170 million were completely kept close throughout this year.

Wrapping Things Up 

So, these were the significant education studies that had total dominance throughout this year. The conventional perception, the conventional vision and knowledge towards education took a major blow in all sorts. The significant endeavours to turn physical classroom learning into a complete virtual platform of learning was a great challenge in itself. We might assume that 2022 is going to be even more interesting when it comes to education, or surprising if you want to call it that. 

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