Online Teaching Vs. Offline Teaching

The new “new normal” phrase has become very common since the start of the pandemic. Every sector has changed its mechanism of working, including the education system. The whole schooling system has changed as it focuses on online home-schooling. Due to lockdowns during the pandemic, all schools were closed, and the school came up with online teaching. It was good for the children to continue their education. Despite the pandemic, it allowed children to continue their education from the comfort of their homes.

Now things are getting normal as the pandemic has been brought under control. Students and parents continue to place emphasis on online teaching due to the numerous benefits. In this topic, we will discuss the most debated topic: “offline vs. online teaching” and which is better.

What is Offline Teaching?

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It is the conventional way of offline education where you interact with students face to face. They learn in the presence of their peers daily. It is expected that online learning may be the future of education, but it will be very hard to replace the common way of offline learning. Online learning technical concerns do not bother offline learning or traditional education. It allows children to learn in a physical setup and allows them to make friends. 

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What Is Online Teaching?

In online teaching, students gain access to knowledge via virtual classrooms. Learners can get access from all over the world through online learning until they have an active high-speed internet connection. It allows teachers to use different helping tools to make learning interactive and aid the learning process. It includes videos, audio, images, a virtual conference room, animations, and more. You can get a diploma in online teaching to excel inteaching online and manage virtual classrooms

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Advantages of Online Education

Flexible: Flexible work hours are one benefit of online teaching. Teachers no longer have to travel and get to school to take classes. With online classes, teachers save on travel, so plans of extra activities can be done according to availability. It is more convenient as time is saved and may be used to help weaker students bring them up to the mark. The flexible time gives them time even for their families. It is very important that a teacher take adequate breaks; otherwise, they will burn, so now and then, teachers need to put aside time for themselves to recharge. 

Work from home comfort: Online teaching is comfortable as you can just roll out of bed, put on a presentable top or a blouse, and start teaching. Students or teachers will never know what you are wearing below the waistline. When teachers work from the comfort of their homes, they have full control of their environment. One thing that should be kept in mind is keeping a healthy work-life balance by demarcating the home office from the living space.

Increase more accessibility to teachers: the common worry of teachers is weaker students may fall behind. They may struggle to keep their pace. Contrary to this belief, students do take the opportunity of online learning to seek help from teachers. 

Disadvantages of Online Education

Technical Issues: Connectivity issues may arise anytime, which can be a downside of online education. Because internet connectivity and electricity depend on the geographical area, it may cause significant problems while online education. 

Indifferent attention: While teaching online, a significant disadvantage is managing the students. It isn’t easy to focus on each and every student when the teacher is teaching online. It could be tough to identify who is actually paying attention or who has drifted away in thoughts. Therefore, teachers have less interaction with the students. That can be a challenge in teaching. 

Screen Time: Teachers spend a lot of time online looking at the screen, which can be harmful to their health. This is surely unavoidable as the means of learning is online. 

Minimal Peer Engagement: Online education does not allow students to engage with peers on a daily basis, unlike offline education. Kids can video chat and call a friend, but it is not the same as having a conversation in a school setting. A student can learn a lot of things through peer interaction. Interaction can enhance skills like leadership, teamwork, and so on. 

Advantages of Offline Education

Experience: Experience is the most significant advantage in offline teaching. When students attend school, they not only study in the traditional manner but also learn from peer and teacher interactions. The experience is unique and cannot be mimicked in an online environment. Kids learn various lessons which are not just in textbooks. Skills such as leadership, communication, and so on play an important role in developing their personality. The teacher can fulfil the learning objective better this way.

Attention: Students pay attention more in a physical environment than online mode. It is because, in an offline setting, the teachers can pay individual attention to the students, and students feel afraid of being called out by the teacher. So, the job of managing students has become easier.

No distractions: In a classroom, all the individuals gathered have one goal, so there are fewer distractions than in an online class. A student tends to drift away sitting in front of a screen listening to a lecture. So, it is easier for teachers to manage students in an offline setting.

Disadvantages of Offline Education

Time Management: In an offline setup, school days are jam-packed. Teachers spend an entire day in the school doing different activities and teaching different lessons. Even if the teachers return home in the evening, they are exhausted, and the remaining time is spent resting. When compared to online teaching, this may be a disadvantage. The online setup gives more flexibility. Teachers save a lot of time because they no longer spend time commuting, and the saved time is used on other activities and cultivating hobbies, and spending time with their family.

After a thorough examination of both offline and online teaching, we can come to the conclusion that both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you want to master online teaching, you can go for teacher training for online teaching, which will give you an edge over the others. 

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